Practice Back Safety at All Times!

According to the Western Kentucky University, back pain in the work place is common for those who sit all day behind a computer and those who manually lift all day.  So whether you are working as a receptionist or working in construction, it is very important to protect your back!

For Office Jobs:

Taking short breaks to stand up and stretch can reduce or eliminate back pain from sitting excessively. Sitting makes the body flexed at the base of the spine, which can put three time more pressure on your back than standing. That’s approximately 400 pounds of pressure! Here are some tips to keep your back safe at work in the office:

  • Use a chair that allows your feet to touch the floor, your hips to sit slightly higher than your knees and one that properly supports the curve of your spine.
  • Adjust your chair so that your workstation is at elbow height.
  • If you sit in front of a computer, place the screen at eye level.

For Industrial Jobs:

Lifting is such a common activity that you may forget that there is a right and wrong way to do it. Yet, doing it the wrong way can cause a lifetime of pain. Lifting objects is  more complicated than you think.  In fact, there are several types of techniques that can be used to keep safe. Here are some tips to keep your back safe at work:

  • While carrying a heavy load, keep your shoulders, hips and feet pointed in the same direction to avoid unnecessary strain.
  • The type of lifting technique that you utilize should depend on the weight and size of the load, the distance of the move, and your strength, flexibility and capacity to hold the load. Get under the load by bending your knees, not your back.
  • Use smooth movements when lifting and carrying to avoid back injuries.

These are just a few tips, but practice safety at all times and remember to ask your supervisor or employer if you ever have any questions or concerns!

This is for informational purposes only and is not intended as medical advice. For further information, please consult a medical professional.

© 2008 Zywave, Inc.

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