How to Prepare for an Interview

There are many different interviewing tips, strategies and opinions out there.  The most important thing to remember is to be yourself and be honest. An interview is for a company to decide if you are a fit for them, but also for you to decide if the company is a fit for you.

Always research the company before going to an interview. This will allow you to answer questions appropriately and also find out if the company is one you would be interested in working for.

Make sure your resume is up to date and you have plenty of copies to provide if needed.  References are not always going to be needed at the initial interview, but it is good practice to have professional and personal references handy if needed. Bring paper and a pen to be able to write down details or questions you have throughout the interview.

Practice your interview! A helpful technique is to write down routine questions with  your personalized answers and rehearse them.  Now when these questions are asked, you will be prepared  to respond in the appropriate manner. For example, some routine questions consist of: “Tell me a little about yourself.  What are your strengths?  Why do you want to work here?”.

Always prepare a few questions to ask the interviewer and do not hesitate to ask them because this shows your interest in the position and company.  Appropriate questions include: “What are the challenges of this position?  What skills are needed to succeed?  Will there be traveling, if so how much? Who does the position report to and how large is the team?”.

Dress to impress. Always wear the appropriate clothing for the position you are interviewing for, when in doubt always dress more conservative than might be required.  Arrive about 15 minutes early and make a good first impression including a firm handshake and eye contact.

These are just a few steps to prepare for an interview but remember to be prepared and relax!




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